And just because you can't use the Force doesn't mean you don't have a part to play in the battle for the galaxy. If you didn't already know from playing Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast or Rebel Commando, taking the first-person perspective behind a laser rifle feels incredible. Here's another excellent reader suggestion, courtesy of Jesse1066: a complete overhaul of Unreal Tournament 2004 that puts you in the boots of a Rebel or Imperial footsoldier. But thanks to the limitations of the mod, you won't get a scratch on the Falcon no matter how poorly you drive it. You're sure to gain a newfound respect for Han Solo's piloting skills when you try to fly this thing between skyscrapers, given that you'll probably be crashing this behemoth of a spaceship into buildings nonstop. When you're ready to move up a weight class or fifty, you can spawn a to-scale version of the Millennium Falcon, which makes all those other rides look like little baby toys. First off is that iconic Return of the Jedi speeder bike, which is seemingly (and hilariously) indestructible if this video is any indication. Grand Theft Auto 4 mods offer myriad options for custom character models and cars, and it just so happens that two of the greatest user-made vehicles are Star Wars-related. The Mod is now installed.The denizens of Liberty City are constantly worried about being the victim of yet another carjacking, but until now, they never had to deal with a maniac zooming around on a laser-blasting speeder bike.

To do this, click with the right mouse button in the folder and select "New" the Option "folder".