Copy files from "backup\modules" directory into "modules" folder in game's main directory.

What that means Droid drops droid items, Power Armored, sword welding, shield. Copy files from "backup\launcher" directory into "launcher" folder in game's main directory. What my mod was supposed to do Make KotOR 2 - TSL more realistic, logical. In "backup" folder you'll find two sub-folders - "launcher" and "modules". Folder called "backup" was created during installation. USM-compatibility patch can be downloaded in download section over at 3. Mod (In)compatibility: - Prologue - Peragus - Harbinger Correction Mod (1.1) by Ulic is COMPATIBLE Sion's Arrival to Peragus Fix (2.0) by Zbyl is COMPATIBLE Coruscant - Jedi Temple by DeathDisco is COMPATIBLE M4-78 will NOT work with this mod.
Description: - Restores a lot of cut content in KOTOR ( TSL) 2. Given Team Gizka's demise, this is the only known method of checking out The Sith Lords' cut content: 1. The team of modders over at Deadly Stream have released version 1.5 of their "Restored Content Mod" for Star Wars: KotOR II, and word is that this will be the final build that they'll be releasing.